2010年7月22日 星期四

Database and Spreadsheets

The Database processing's function has the movement which the deletion、organization、renewal、search、take out and storage.although I am not familiar with Database, and seldom heard it.But I believe that I already used it to record and the collection,which parent address、parent phone list、report、schedule and student information…..etc.Although I do not teach computer class with my students,but I had ever seen them to manufacture the training schedule.I think that majority of teachers have used it.Then We also used Excell to calculates student's result. The Spreadsheets can calculate student grades、lesson planners、set up schedule.I do not teach computer ,so not to understand that the students do have used the software.I shall study hard the software for teaching .

2010年7月14日 星期三

My homework

I frequently use computer to make teaching flies.For example projector camera monitor DVD player and so on.

The Audio editor and Videostudio software which two softwares I once study, but is not expert, how long time forget to use, so want to study thoroughly again . And I want to learn Swift 3DAlbum Creator software, I hope to use them edit my class websites and apply in the class and I usually use the Word Processor to make the reportstestquizteaching filepaperinstructionthe training schedulework sheets the classoom arrangement uses typeface design and post teaching material from website inquiry material….and so on methods.

Because I am an homeroom teacher.So l don’teaching computer class.But I know that my students usually use computer to make homeworkclass newspaperreportsedits photos.take testposts the searching material from website….and so on.I hope that I can use the online sofeware and skype to teach my students.